Work and Safety
This page contains important information connected to various procedures and work and safety issues obligatory on the premises of Stalobrex Ltd.
We kindly ask all employees of other companies operating on the premises of our company to get acquainted with the obligatory rules:
Parking spaces: It is obligatory to park all vehicles in a reverse position at the Stalobrex parking lot.
hen entering the premises of Stalobrex Ltd. it is obligatory to be equipped with helmet and safety glasses – it is forbidden to enter any of the production warehouses or facilities without being equipped with the aforementioned means of protection. Lack of adherence with Stalobrex regulations will result in ceasing of any co-operation.
General recommendations.

It is forbidden to enter the object without the company of Stalobrex employee.

Smoking is banned apart from the designated areas.

It is forbidden to use mobile phones in the areas adjacent to storing of propane, acetylene and other technical gases.

It is forbidden to walk or o be located under suspended weight.

It is obligatory to be equipped with a helmet.

It is obligatory to apply eye protection measures.

Protective footwear is obligatory.

It is obligatory to use gloves when performing close transport activities.

Speed limit on the premises of production facility.

It is obligatory to comply with the Work and Safety signaling on the premises of Stalobrex Ltd.

Watch out for hanging weights during the loading or unloading processes.

In case of an accident or an injury the proper management entity needs to be informed and proper rescue teams need to be summoned (ambulance, fire brigade).
Recommendations to be adhered to in case of loading and unloading processes:
- All foods and products that are shipped in should be property packed and supported in such way so that it is safe to unpack them.
- While performing close transport activities it is obligatory to wear protective gloves. The driver is responsible for performing of the vehicle preparation activities for the process of loading or unloading (opening of doors, removing of canvas, assembly of the supporting structure).
- All trucks Whiting for the process of loading or unloading should remain in the proper locations with their engines shut off.
- It is forbidden to use the equipment owned by Stalobrex Ltd. by the forwarding agent in order to convey close transport activities (ex. forklift) .
- Any individuals who wither arrived with materials or in order to collect them are asked to come into the office with proper documentation (outside of 8am to 4pm are asked to the master foreman).
The ordinance of the President of the Board of Directors no. 01/07/2008 Stalobrex Ltd. dated 23 July 2008r, connected to placing of orders for works to be performed on the premises of the company, work safety and hygiene conditions and the responsibility for conveyance of Work Safety and Hygiene workshops and entering the agreement of co-operation prior to the realization of the aforementioned orders.
- The employees should:
- have obligatory general medical examination certificates
- means of individual protection and protective footwear.
- have proper professional qualifications for conveyance of the specified tasks ex.: electric al installation reviews, conveyor device reviews, review of technical gas installations, electric al box review, transformator device reviews, removing of faults and damages, construction/demolishing works, transport activity, proper allowances and certificates.
- proper schooling in the field of work and safety /general and detailed schooling/.
- Getting all employees acquainted with:
- Work Safety and Hygiene Instructions and with firefighting instructions obligatory on the premises of STALOBREX Ltd.
- the scope of possible accident dangers
- It is obligatory to comply with and adhere to all Work and Safety signals and signs located on the premises of STALOBREX Ltd.
Each and every company, which places an offer to Stalobrex and later starts to realize the scope of the offer is obliged to comply with the aforementioned conditions.